Health and Well Being

  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Heart Disease
  • Immunization
  • Influenza
  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Stroke


Control your asthma and breathe with ease. Asthma is a chronic condition that occurs when the bronchial tubes (the lungs’ main air passages) become inflamed. The bronchial wall muscles tighten, producing excess mucus and causing the airways to narrow. This constriction causes conditions ranging from minor wheezing to severely labored breathing.

Though asthma is not typically considered a life-threatening lung disease, each year, nearly 500,000 Americans are hospitalized for asthma-related conditions and more than 4,200 die. Recognizing warning signs and treating symptoms early can help control your asthma and prevent it from getting worse.

You can help better manage asthma by limiting your exposure to environmental factors that aggravate the condition. Second-hand smoke is just as—if not more—devastating to people with asthma, but affects them slowly. Tobacco smoke contains nearly 400 toxic substances and carcinogens that irritate air passages but do not necessarily cause coughing or wheezing during exposure. It is particularly detrimental for children with asthma when an adult smokes in the home.

See your doctor if you think you have asthma. Signs include wheezing, labored breathing, chest pain or tightness, and coughing without any other symptoms.

If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma, ask your doctor how to manage your condition. Together, you and your doctor can develop a plan to help control your symptoms and prevent attacks. If your prescribed medication does not alleviate your symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Asthma should not limit your activities or cause depression. You can still live an active life if your asthma is controlled by carefully following your doctor’s treatment plan. It’s also important to avoid certain triggers, such as smoke, dust, or mold. Once you understand how to manage your condition, you can breathe with greater ease.


Clinical depression, the most common mental health problem, affects nearly 20 million Americans each year. And that number is probably significantly higher because, nationally, fewer than half of those suffering from clinical depression seek treatment.

What is depression?

Depression is a medical illness, and like many other illnesses, it can be managed effectively with the appropriate treatment. It is more than being sad or discouraged, which are normal feelings that typically pass in a few days. Depression is a persistent condition that can make daily activities difficult, affecting your physical health and well-being as well as those around you. Its severity can range from a mild, depressive mood that is experienced almost daily to persistently intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or significant loss of interest and pleasure.

What causes depression?

The exact causes of depression are not fully understood. What we do know is that depression is a medical condition, not a character or personality flaw. The most common conditions that can accompany depression are:

• Chemical imbalances in the brain.
• Certain medical illnesses.
• Certain medications.
• Alcohol and/or drug use.
• Stressful life events.

Who’s at risk?

Though anyone can suffer from depression, individuals with other medical conditions are at greater risk. Depression affects as many as one-third of all patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease.

How can you recognize symptoms of clinical depression? Look for these signs:

• Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood.
• Sleeping too much or too little, and waking up in the middle of the night or early morning.
• Reduced appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain.
• Loss of pleasure and interest in activities once enjoyed.
• Restlessness or irritability.
• Persistent physical symptoms such as chronic pain or digestive disorders that do not respond to treatment.
• Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
• Fatigue or loss of energy.
• Feeling guilty, hopeless, or worthless.
• Thoughts of suicide or death.

If you have five or more of these symptoms for two weeks or more, you could have clinical depression and should see your doctor or a qualified mental health professional for help.

Again, remember that clinical depression is treatable. Treatment usually includes antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

Of course, treatment depends on the severity of the condition. In some cases of mild to moderate depression, increasing your physical activity, taking up a new hobby, or joining a social group or club may help alleviate some of your depression symptoms.

And remember, there’s no shame in seeking help.

Heart Disease

Not having enough good cholesterol (HDL) and having too much bad cholesterol (LDL) can put you at risk for heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. There are some risk factors you can’t do anything about, such as age or family history. But there are things you can do to help improve your cholesterol levels:

• Know your risk. High cholesterol is often called a “silent disease” because there are no major symptoms. Major risk factors include diabetes, premature coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking. Men age 45 and older and women age 55 and over are also at high risk.
• Get tested. If you’re at high risk or over the age of 20, talk to your doctor about a cholesterol screening.
• Set a goal. The ideal LDL for a high-risk patient is < 100 mg/dL. Work with your doctor to decide on an appropriate cholesterol goal and come up with a plan to manage your levels.
• Lead a healthy lifestyle. Improve your diet by avoiding foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat, increase exercise, maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking, and take your medication correctly.
• Practice good oral hygiene and see a dentist regularly. Patients with poor oral hygiene may have up to twice the risk of having a heart attack.

It is estimated that 25 percent of people who should be taking statins, or cholesterol-lowering drugs, do not take them. Studies have shown 20 percent to 60 percent lower LDL cholesterol levels in people who take statins. Speak to your physician about the possibility of taking a generic drug — they cost much less and are often just as effective.

Blood Pressure

When blood pressure is high, your heart must work harder to move blood through your body. Over time, this can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, blindness, or kidney disease.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often has few symptoms. One in three adults has it, but many don’t know it. The only way to know if your blood pressure is in a healthy range (120/80 for most people) is to have it checked regularly by your doctor.

Hypertension is caused by a number of factors. Some, like genetics, cannot be controlled. However, there are many risk factors you can change to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.
• Maintain a healthy diet. Avoid foods high in sodium, fat, and cholesterol. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.

• Increase your physical activity. Exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days. Exercise can even come in the form of routine chores, like yard work or walking your dog.
• Maintain a healthy weight. Losing excess weight can reduce unnecessary stress on the heart, which can help alleviate many heart conditions.

• Avoid alcohol and smoking. More than one to two drinks per day can increase fat levels in the blood. Smoking cigarettes constricts and damages blood vessels.
• Reduce your stress. A strong emotional reaction to a stressful event is a common trigger for heart attacks. Learn to stay calm during stressful times.

If changing your lifestyle habits doesn’t reduce your blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe medication. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you have questions or experience adverse side effects; many options are available and they may be able to prescribe another medication.
Know your blood pressure numbers. This could save your life.

• High blood pressure (hypertension): 140/90 or above
• Borderline high blood pressure (pre-hypertension): 120/80 to 139/89
• Healthy blood pressure: Below 120/80

CDC immunization schedules can be found at:

School Immunizations: 

Children entering kindergarten, or seventh grade in Utah are required to receive certain immunizations before school begins. This protects the child, and the whole community against potentially harmful diseases that can be life-threatening, especially in children and babies. Family Healthcare offers no-charge childhood vaccinations to families without health care insurance or with financial need. No child is ever turned away from receiving their immunizations. This is a proven way to ensure children grow and stay healthy.

School Entry Immunization Requirements in Utah
Entering Kindergarten
Entering seventh grade
  • 5 doses DTaP/DT
  • 4 doses Polio
  • 2 doses Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Hepatitis A
  • 2 doses Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • 1 dose Tdap
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • 1 dose Meningococcal (only accepted if given after 10 years of age for seventh-grade school entry)
For more information on school entry requirements and immunizations, check out the Utah Department of Health’s guidance at

Preschool Immunizations: 

Children attending a preschool program, including a licensed daycare center, nursery, childcare facility, family home care, or Head Start Program are required to be immunized appropriately for the age of the child. Preschoolers should receive all the doses of each vaccine for their age group, and according to current immunization schedules as published by the Utah Department of Health.

COVID-19 Info

Follow this link to see helpful information for Family Healthcare patients pertaining to COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination sites.

Flu Shots

To see the locations offering flu shots for Family Healthcare patients, please click this link.

Influenza or ‘Flu’

Influenza, commonly called ‘Flu’ is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.

The best ways to prevent flu are:

  1. Annual flu vaccine
  2. Washing hands
  3. Avoid touching face before washing hands
  4. Maintaining a healthy immune system as much as possible by getting enough rest, regular exercise, and following a healthy diet

Flu Symptoms:

  • fever* or feeling feverish/chills
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • muscle or body aches
  • headaches
  • fatigue (tiredness)
  • some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
  • *not everyone with flu experiences a fever.

Treating the flu is best done by staying home and resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and visiting your healthcare provider if symptoms do not improve or worsen.

Call Family Healthcare at:

  • St. George & Hurricane – 435-986-2565
  • Cedar City – 435-865-1387

Substance Use Disorder

The terms “substance abuse” and “substance dependence” have been replaced with “substance use disorder.” Substance use disorder is now the medical term for addiction. Previously, abuse was a mild form of addiction, and dependence was a moderate or severe form of addiction.

According to the Center for Disease Control, one in 14 Americans reports experiencing a substance use disorder. There is not one single driving factor that leads to addiction. Some people may use drugs to help cope with stress, trauma, or to help with mental health issues. Some may even develop opioid use disorder after misusing opioids they are prescribed by doctors. In any case, using drugs over time makes it easier to become addicted.

A substance use disorder occurs when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home.

Addiction is a treatable disease

Addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. People suffering from substance use disorders have trouble controlling substance use even though they know these substances are harmful.

Overcoming a substance use disorder is not as simple as resisting the temptation through willpower alone. Recovery may involve medication to help with cravings and withdrawal as well as different forms of therapy. It may even require checking into a rehabilitation facility. Recovery can be challenging, but it is possible.


Prescription opioids cause 36 deaths a month in Utah. Utah ranked 4th in the US for drug poisoning death.

Death from prescription opioid outnumbers deaths by all other illicit drugs combined.

In Utah, Opioid deaths outnumbered deaths by all other illicit drugs combined.

In 2016, the CDC reported opioid prescribing rates per 100 persons. Utah’s prescribing rate was 70.4, while the overall rate in the nation was 66.5.
Both Washington and Iron Counties reported higher prescription rates in 2016, at rates of 89 and nearly 104, respectively.
In 2017, Utah saw a slight decrease in the number of prescription opioid deaths, however, the number of heroin deaths that have increased during the same time period. Many people who have had their opioid prescriptions discontinued seek and buy street drugs such as Heroin or Fentanyl.

At Family Healthcare clinics, we practice an integrated health system when treating people with prescription opioid abuse. We screen patients who come thought us through family and loved ones intervention and those who are sent to us through the court system, or those who have finally reached a decision to get help.

The patient meets with a team who assess the willingness and readiness of the patients. Our Medicine Assisted Treatment or MAT team is comprised of a medical provider, a nurse practitioner, behavior health specialist, Registered Nurse, and medical assistants. The patient is evaluated and a treatment plan is formulated.

The solution lies in integrated care, the systematic coordination of general and behavioral healthcare. Integrating mental health, substance abuse, and primary care services produces the best outcomes and proves the most effective approach to caring for people with multiple healthcare needs.

It is the policy of Family Health Care to assure appropriate clinical management of patients with opioid addiction to control their opioid abuse and addiction. Our goal is to relieve unnecessary pain and suffering and improve our patient’s quality of life, while doing our best to ensure safety for our patients as well as our community.

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

The use of FDA approved medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies for the treatment of substance use disorders. The prescription medication helps to normalize brain chemistry, block the euphoric effect of substances, relieve physiological cravings, and normalize body functions. The goal of MAT is full recovery, including the ability to live a self-directed life. This treatment approach has been shown to:

  • Improve patient survival
  • Increase patient retention in treatment
  • Increase patient ability to gain and maintain employment
  • Improve birth outcomes among women who have substance use disorders and are pregnant
  • Decrease illicit substance use and other criminal activities among people with substance use disorders


Receive your prescriptions at 40% to 60% off the usual price when they are ordered by your Family Healthcare provider and filled at any of the following pharmacies:

  • Hurricane Family Pharmacy
  • Cedar Drug

Additional Treatment Options

  • Twelve-step facilitation therapy is an individual active engagement strategy designed to encourage people to accept drug addiction as a chronic, progressive disease and prepare them to begin a 12-step mutual support program.6
  • Outpatient counseling can help people understand addiction, their triggers, and their reasons for using drugs. This form of treatment can be done at a doctor’s office or via telehealth appointment.
  • Inpatient rehabilitation at a full-time facility provides a supportive environment to help people recover without distractions or temptations.

Signs of overdose

Recognizing the signs of opioid overdose can save a life. Here are some things to look for:

  • Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
  • Falling asleep or losing consciousness
  • Slow, weak, or no breathing
  • Choking or gurgling sounds
  • Limp body
  • Cold and/or clammy skin
  • Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)

What to do if you think someone is overdosing

It may be hard to tell whether a person is high or experiencing an overdose. If you aren’t sure, treat it like an overdose—you could save a life.

  1. Call 911 Immediately.*
  2. Administer naloxone, if available. **
  3. Try to keep the person awake and breathing.
  4. Lay the person on their side to prevent choking.
  5. Stay with the person until emergency assistance arrives.

*Most states have laws that may protect a person who is overdosing or the person who called for help from legal trouble.


Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can be used in the event of a known or suspected opioid overdose. This medication is available for free at our Family Healthcare Riverside Pharmacy and in many other pharmacies around the country.

For more information about Substance Use Disorders, please visit the Utah Department  of Human Services – Substance Use and Mental Health at


A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die.

A stroke is a medical emergency. Prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can minimize brain damage and potential complications.

The good news is that strokes can be treated and prevented, and many fewer Americans die of stroke now than in the past.


Watch for these signs and symptoms if you think you or someone else may be having a stroke. Pay attention to when the signs and symptoms begin. The length of time they have been present can affect your treatment options:

  • Trouble with speaking and understanding. You may experience confusion. You may slur your words or have difficulty understanding speech.
  • Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg. You may develop sudden numbness, weakness or paralysis in your face, arm or leg. This often happens just on one side of your body. Try to raise both your arms over your head at the same time. If one arm begins to fall, you may be having a stroke. Also, one side of your mouth may droop when you try to smile.
  • Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes. You may suddenly have blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes,or you may see double.
  • Headache. A sudden, severe headache, which may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness, may indicate you’re having a stroke.
  • Trouble with walking. You may stumble or experience sudden dizziness, loss of balance or loss of coordination.

When to see a doctor

Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any signs or symptoms of a stroke, even if they seem to fluctuate or disappear. Think “FAST” and do the following:

  • Face. Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
  • Arms. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Or is one arm unable to rise up?
  • Speech. Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is his or her speech slurred or strange?
  • Time. If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately.

Call 911 or your local emergency number right away. Don’t wait to see if symptoms stop. Every minute counts. The longer a stroke goes untreated, the greater the potential for brain damage and disability.

If you’re with someone you suspect is having a stroke, watch the person carefully while waiting for emergency assistance.

We continue to evolve Family Healthcare according to the model of the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) which puts patients at the center of the healthcare system, and provides primary care that is “accessible, affordable, continuous, comprehensive, family centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective.”

We are looking for various roles across our care teams and administration. If you want to help others and make lives better through compassionate quality healthcare service delivery, then we’d love to hear from you!





2276 E Riverside Dr.
St. George, UT 84790
Medical & Behavioral: 435-986-2565
Dental: 435-359-2165
Pharmacy: 435-359-9899
After Hours Line: 435-986-2565
Prescription Fax: 435-921-8191
Clinic Fax: 435-986-2577


Hurricane Middle School:
Medical & Behavioral: 435-986-2565
Dental: 435-359-2165
Pharmacy: 435-359-9899
After Hours Line: 435-986-2565
Prescription Fax: 435-921-8191
Clinic Fax: 435-986-2577
Cedar City :
Medical & Behavioral: 435-986-2565
Dental: 435-359-2165
Pharmacy: 435-359-9899
After Hours Line: 435-986-2565
Prescription Fax: 435-921-8191
Clinic Fax: 435-986-2577

Valerie Kahanu
Valerie Kahanu
Dental service was amazing thank you so much.
Shane Sedigh
Shane Sedigh
All good
Cynthia Mott
Cynthia Mott
Seth Hurd is an awesome dr. And Dr Irvine is a great dr as well. Friendly staff.
Pili Gouveia
Pili Gouveia
Really nice people and really help take care of mine and my children's needs.
Jenifer Dennison
Jenifer Dennison
Always accommodating to my needs. Problem solvers for sure. Love this place. Pharmacy has exceptional customer service as well!!!
Kristine Nez
Kristine Nez
Found the help we needed to get my husband’s teeth fix. Everyone in this establishment is kind, friendly and attentive. The receptionists (Denise Stiegmann was that person for me today) are amazing at helping you understand everything as well and putting you at ease when you want to panic. Thank you for helping to give his smile back.
Gordon Potter
Gordon Potter
Dr. Trevor Page & Stephen Murdock form a fabulous team for mental and physical wellness! They have an excellent Family Practice at FHC-Riverside. The staff is always attuned to what is going on, they are on time. They communicate very well with Dr. Page & Murdock. I feel lucky to have them and now look forward to getting sorted out. Thanks Team!
Bernice Perez
Bernice Perez
Highly recommended to see the dentist. It’s based on your income if you don’t have dental coverage. The dentist is very friendly and kind. The young man at the reception desk is very friendly, nice , polite, and very professional gentleman.
Neal Tyson
Neal Tyson
Dr Irvine listened and addressed all of my concerns. Never made me feel rushed and truly made me feel as if he was invested in my personal health. Great experience and would recommend to all my friends.
Devra swiger
Devra swiger
Had a battle with a bagel knife and the knife won. I had to get stiches during our stay at Zion and I was so pleased with the service I got at Family healthcare. Everyone was so nice and the doctor did a great job.
lisa hanrahan
lisa hanrahan
Denise Stiegmaan absolutely went above and beyond to get what I needed done with my insurance. Denise was prompt on asking questions of how she could assist! It felt so good to have a person like Denise with such amazing customers service! Most definitely a keeper!
Julia Johnson
Julia Johnson
Blessed be the Family Health Care clinic! I don't know what I would have done without you all.Everyone was so kind and helpful and thoroughly professional. You got me back on my feet and on with the rest of my trip. I am forever grateful to you all and I highly recommend your services. Thank you!Julia Johnson
Lori Meredith
Lori Meredith
Friendly, experienced staff. Great service.
Claudia De La Cruz
Claudia De La Cruz
Personal profesional con una gran calidad humana. Gracias por tu apoyo Jackie, fuiste de gran bendición.
Angelina Benson
Angelina Benson
When it comes to the family healthcare pharmacy I cannot stress enough and tell enough people go there if you’re looking for medication at A dang good price, especially for people to pay cash. You’re one stop shop. If you’re looking for a pharmacist to be empathetic understanding you know anything. Their Pharmacist there is the most amazing guy people talk about doctors and pharmacist going above and beyond for you. That’s no other words could explain it better further. I can count they have taken a step further beyond duties as a pharmacist pharmacy. You know what they get paid they take a step further there’s been a medication to the pharmacy, especially before they closed. They found a way to make sure my daughter didn’t go and I’ve had complications every time that I’m not waiting another day I could never express how grateful I am for their head pharmacist there with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Dylan Wilson some amazing work in their hands and my daughters. Thank you guys so much for everything you do.
Tenya Perla
Tenya Perla
Jackie N. helped me so much and was so nice and professional too! Keep her forever! She's great!
Jay Ricker
Jay Ricker
Friendly staff, clean facility, they take care of my family superbly! Shred St. George
Dr Irvine's the best and Steve he's my favorite so far he's really cool but anyway I sure like Trevor if I could choose to nominate one for all their hard work I'd give it to Trevor and harpy cuz Trevor I'd give it to Trevor and a heartbeat because Trevor is truly the best doctor ever I don't know any other of the doctors there but I really like Trevor he's the best and he's also my friend
Travis Daignault
Travis Daignault
These medical providers are great and they care because they are busy. If you make an appointment its okay to wait. You never know if another person is struggling more than you.
Justin Ruesch
Justin Ruesch
I have been coming to Family healthcare for a few years now. They are amazing. I have my usual provider that I see, but every once in awhile he is not available and so I have seen a few other providers. They have all been great. I've also used their mental health services. It helped me through some difficult things I was struggling with. The new location has a pharmacy inside. I actually moved all my prescriptions here as well.Pro Tip: Haley (I hope I spelled that right) is phenomenal! She is my go-to. I will happily wait in line until she's available. She is always happy, Friendly, smiling and knowledgeable.I asked her if I could give her a gold star somehow.She laughed and told me that that wasn't an option .I think Family healthcare should definitely add gold stars that could be given to their employees by patients. At the very least a better system to praise employees.Seriously though this girl deserves a raise.
Mark Lacross
Mark Lacross
Just going to family Healthcare and talking to Dr Webb and Kay and America are sweetest nicest professionals in Utah every time I go there I feels so much better mentally and physically. Never had such Healthcare like this .thanks
Angie Wagner
Angie Wagner
They. Got me in at 7 am and took excellent care of me. Dr neilsen went above and beyond to help me find an oral surgeon to help get my tooth pulled. I have never had a better experience with a dentist in my life.
Aubrey Byington
Aubrey Byington
I absolutely adore Mary-Ellen and her team. She is the best Care provider I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my entire life. She takes the time to listen and really get to know her patients and her team is awesome too!! I have been seeing her for years and wouldn't ever go anywhere else.Mckenzie the councilor is awesome as well she has great insight and knows her stuff when it comes to recognizing the areas you're struggling with, without being judgey or pushy. I recently moved my 2 children to this practice because of Maryellen & Mckenzie's unwavering dedication to care.
Sherri Johnson
Sherri Johnson
I love family health care and all their staff
I scheduled an appt for my daughter online very easily which was very nice. We arrived on time for our 3pm appt to see Karen Kadas and were out by 3:20pm. We got our consultation, lab draw, and order. It was beautiful!!! From check-in to check-out, it was just beautiful! I highly recommend this clinic.
Matt Woodruff
Matt Woodruff
Alli Stewart has been five stars for the the five years she's been taking care of me!!
Heather May
Heather May
Love Melissa and Jacquie who are so kind yet professional as well as Dr Gubler in Cedar City clinic.
M Wyson
M Wyson
This place is the best medical center in the world! Dr Fisher is the best doctor in the world! I refuse to buy health insurance and this place let's me pay cash for a Dr visit. I paid $145 yesterday. I visit a Dr about once every 5 years on average. That is so much cheaper than health insurance! Also I called yesterday at 3pm to make an appointment, the receptionist said there was a cancellation and I could be seen at 5pm. Try that with your practitioner.
claire hulet
claire hulet
What a wonderful place to see a medical provider. I had such a great experience from start to finish. From getting checked in with the helpful front desks Kennedy and Denise to getting roomed and having my vitals checked by Ingrid and Evelyn. Hayley answered my questions and Karen did a great job 😀 yippee!
Allen Wooldridge
Allen Wooldridge
Karen's the best
The staff in this clinic are all amazing! Seth has always gone out of his way to help me!
Alinda Berry
Alinda Berry
Dr. Irvine and Jazmine were amazing today! U couldn’t have asked for better care Thanks guys!
Veronica Castro
Veronica Castro
Tuve una muy buena experiencia con el Dr Wilson, el oftalmólogo. Fue muy amable y contestó todas mis preguntas. Las chicas de recepción son muy lindas y amables. Gracias a Neyda, Becky, y Berenice por el buen servicio.
Brendan Olivas
Brendan Olivas
This clinic has been great to me. The nurses there were very helpful. Ingrid did an amazing job drawing my blood.
melissa larios
melissa larios
Carmen was great! She was very compassionate and caring.
Brittany Hunting
Brittany Hunting
Maryellen and ciara have been wonderful support. Very helpful and knowledgeable
Tiana Marie
Tiana Marie
The new building is amazing. I had to take my daughter in to get her vaccines. So you can imagine how upset she was about it but Ciara Medina was an absolute gem. She was patient and so sweet to her that she actually got her to calm down and let her do it without any struggle. She obviously still cried but Ciara made sure to make my daughter feel very brave and strong throughout the whole process. I will be taking my daughter back here because of a big thank you to Ciara Medina for turning a scared little girl into a brave big girl. You are a rockstar!
Samantha Owings
Samantha Owings
Maryellen and Ciara have made my mental health journey much easier than anywhere else I’ve been, they have always been on top of everything, been friendly and genuinely care about my mental health. Thanks guys!!
alex santos
alex santos
Muy buen servicio.Todo el personal muy amableTravis muy buen doctor
mark spencer
mark spencer
Maryellen and her wonderful assistant Ciara always greet me with a smile and kindness everytime I have an appointment they make every visit comfortable.
Jon Lippincott
Jon Lippincott
I have been using Family Health Care Cedar City as my primary care provider for about 9 years and have had mostly positive interactions with them.Karen Whittemore has been thorough and knowledgeable in her addressing my medical issues.All of the staff are friendly and helpful from the time I check in until I finish my exam.I recommend FHC to all people who have asked me.Keep up the good work.
lindsey payne
lindsey payne
I love love love the ppl here they are very caring and compassionate and really strive to help everyone, everyone on team !! Especially Evelyn and Ingrid they are super personable and always go out of their way to make sure your experience is the best.
Dana Hutchings
Dana Hutchings
Karen Whittemore is wonderful. She really understood my condition and helped with treatment also her nurse Ingrid is very caring
Maria Hernandez
Maria Hernandez
Very attentive and patient centered. This clinic has literally saved my life! Ingrid is an amazing phlebotomist! She made me feel comforted
Daniel Hernandez
Daniel Hernandez
Muy buen servicio siempre que vengo a consulta. Ingrid es muy amable y eficiente.
Abraham Ocejo
Abraham Ocejo
Becky berenice and neyda do great work up in the front when u need help and got questions they’re the people you need to talk to and can answer all your questions and concerns
Christina Valdovinos-Lopez
Christina Valdovinos-Lopez
I accompanied my little sister and father for their appointment for a flu shot and had a wonderful experience with the cMA Vanessa she was really patient with my little sister since she was a bit nervous and took her shot so fast and gentle that my little sister was like wow already and with my father same thing fast and gentle no struggle or anything .
Adriana Hernandez
Adriana Hernandez
Highly recommend good staff and very friendly
Hector Valdivia
Hector Valdivia
I had a great experience with Dr. Christensen and his MA’s Brenda and Monica. Always super friendly and willing to answer any questions I have.
Flor de maria
Flor de maria
Excelente servicio mil bendiciones a todos los que laboran allí
Nicole Chambers
Nicole Chambers
I love everyone there. They are very compassionate and understanding. They have been very helpful in my health issues. They really care. I wouldn't want to go anywhere else
Maria Daisy Romero (Daisy Nany Vlogs)
Maria Daisy Romero (Daisy Nany Vlogs)
Dr Brandan is very profecional and very kind , thank you everyone at the clinic
Donna Reynolds
Donna Reynolds
The environment is clean and comfortable. The staff is always so friendly. Dr Herd is professional and caring. He knows who I am and can see how things come together well for my health.
Karina Piri
Karina Piri
Muy buena atención ❤️ , muy amables todos los doctores, dentistas, asistentes y recepcionistas de esta clínicaSúper recomendada !! ❤️
Renee Qualls Pike
Renee Qualls Pike
Friendly staff. Willing to spend the time needed to address your issues. Willing to listen to you and not rush you in and out.
Rayonna Hale
Rayonna Hale
Love Dr. Karen Whittemore, been her patient 7 yrs. Very easy to talk with, answers questions, she KNOWS her patients!! Recommend highly!
jose jesus Gonzalez
jose jesus Gonzalez
Muy bien servicio y as asistentes son eficientes. Gracias a Carmen por darnos la atención y por ser muy amable.
I had such a great experience with Family Healthcare. They were so helpful and I really appreciate them answering all my questions.
Son muy amables y atentos , y su asesibilidad para la gente que no habla inglés es genial . Gracias Carmen Perez
Gonzalez Hernandez Dayana Michelle
Gonzalez Hernandez Dayana Michelle
Had an amazing experience at the clinic, nurse Ingrid Hernadez, was super friendly and professional will definitely be going back to family healthcare!
Kathleen Rouse
Kathleen Rouse
Ingrid, is are you patient kind and well mannered. She's really specific of any questions I need to answer and she asked questions very specifically when I'm confused or when I don't understand. She is friendly hard-working patient has manners and always smiling!! She checks my vitals correctly. Thank you so very much!
siri martinez
siri martinez
Family healthcare. It’s a great clinic. They’re always nice and friendly dr. Travis and his assistant Jasmine are the best every time they make you feel part of their family. They’re always concerned about you and your family Health I can type so many nice things about them here the way they took care of my dad that he recently passed away. There is no words that I can describe. how thankful I will be with them. Thank you
Denise Stiegmann
Denise Stiegmann
I was feeling very ill. The InstaCare was already closed and I needed to know if I had streptococcus or if it was just a cold/flu. Ingrid got me in so fast and let me know right away the test results. The front desk Kennedy and Paula are always so friendly. And Karen Whittemore is so knowledgeable. My provider team is great.
Christopher Perry Jorgenson
Christopher Perry Jorgenson
My doctor at family health care is Karen witmore she is the best doctor I have ever had in my life I've been seeing her for over 5years and if I had a choice I would never get a nother doctor she actually cares about the people who is under her care and will do anything she possibly can do to improve her patience quality of life I honestly don't know what I would have done if I didn't have her as my doctor I'm very disabled and Karen witmore has been there for me through a lot of hard times in my life and always h as my best interests in mind even if it's not something I won't to hear she tells you exactly how it's and I trust her opinion she has an excellent bed side manner i have red some of other peoples reviews and I can truthfully tell you that if any person says that Karen witmore don't care about her Patience needs the staff at the ceda that just isn't true she's the mast careing doctor I've ever had if anything she cares to much and only has your best interest at hart I no frome over 5 years of experience with her. The rest of the staff at the cedar City office is amazing there always respect full and go over the top for you I would recommend this clink to eny one that is trying to find a new clinic to got to the hole clinic is just wonderful and has made my life better in more ways than one
Kennedy Worthington
Kennedy Worthington
I have always had a great time coming to Family Healthcare! The front desk and medical assistants are always so cheerful and kind! The providers got me in quickly and helped me solve my problem. Family Healthcare has cheap and affordable options for those who need it and for those who don't have insurance which was very helpful.
Thomas Rich
Thomas Rich
Family Healthcare have done a great job taking care of our family. Bradon Burningham seriously saved us. Our son cut his finger and needed stitches. He got us right in and was so professional.
Isabela Pedro
Isabela Pedro
Buen doctor
Marcelo Pos
Marcelo Pos
Muy buena atencion el Doctor muy amable
Chilita Robles
Chilita Robles
Muy amables el doctor se preocupa por la salud de sus pacientes y las señoritas son muy amables y atentas
irene cajas
irene cajas
Jasmin is awesome and so professional
Sue Bruss
Sue Bruss
Love Travis Allen and the staff
Wendy Moya
Wendy Moya
Love this clinic and how the medical assistants and Travis take care of their patients! Every time I see Travis he listens to my concerns and does the best to help me feel better. I recommend this clinic and Travis to everyone all the time, especially the Latino community, it helps to have a Spanish speaking provider that fully understand the patients needs.
Jimmy Lane
Jimmy Lane
The staff are wonderful
Elizabeth Samano
Elizabeth Samano
Travis es excelente médico. Se toma el tiempo para escucharnos y dar su diagnóstico. Tanto sus enfermeras y el demás personal son amables yo si recomiendo a Allen Travis.
Poli Riquelme
Poli Riquelme
Recently had a dental cleaning and everything was great. Jacquie and Melissa were also very great. They even made sure that my daughter accompanying me was entertained
Daniela Gonzalez
Daniela Gonzalez
Very good place!
Sonia Riquelme
Sonia Riquelme
It’s a great place great staff I highly recommend it
Marbella Olivar
Marbella Olivar
Muy amables , me encantó el servicio ❤️❤️
Judith Villegas
Judith Villegas
Desde la recepción y las enfermeras y doctor son muy eficientes amables yo como paciente estoy muy contenta con el trato que recibo en esa clínica Carmen Ingrid Cruz doctor Travis. bendita clínica que tenemos para nosotros como pacientes latinos que nesecitamos ayuda bilingüe muchas gracias y yo la recomiendo
lily cruz
lily cruz
Dr. Travis is a great he has help me with my health very professional 👏 and the nurses are super wonderful really professional. I really recommend DR.TRAVIS AND HES TEAM‼️
Marianella Leone
Marianella Leone
A great resource for anybody in town that doesn’t have insurance. Ingrid has been incredibly helpful and truly cares about her patients. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help anybody who needs it!◡̈
daniel reyna
daniel reyna
I went in recently as a new patient, was a tad bit unprepared. But luckily Ingrid helped me get the documents I needed; she was very quick and understanding. Great attitude about the whole situation.
Angel Turner
Angel Turner
I had a pleasant experience and Ingrid was very helpful in every way possible.
Pat Scott
Pat Scott
Good people, they do great job.i come to them all.
Salvador Rodriguez
Salvador Rodriguez
Family Healthcare is a great clinic. I have had the pleasure of being one of their patients and have always felt heard of with my concerns. Travis Allen the PA there is great and Jasmin Santiago his MA definitely loves her job and it shows with the care she provides. I would recommend all of my friends and family to Family Healthcare.
Dulce Castro
Dulce Castro
Jasmine was very helpful
Ethan Keyte
Ethan Keyte
I've been going here for over a year now for therapy and prescriptions. Dr. Allen has been fantastic at picking the right prescription for me. Melissa was great at asking questions and taking in information while having it feel like a very casual, friendly conversation. 10/10
Genna Grajek
Genna Grajek
My husband and I came in and got our rapid Covid tests here! The staff was amazing and so helpful! Jasmine helped us with everything and she went above and beyond! She was so sweet and kind! I definitely recommend 10/10!
Josue Riquelme
Josue Riquelme
Great experience overall at the Harding clinic. Great staff very quick and efficient.
Jasmin Santiago
Jasmin Santiago
Family Healthcare is amazing. A lot of my family is seen here and they always have great experiences. Highly recommended
Margarita Avila
Margarita Avila
Travis es un buen médico y sus asistentes Melissa y Jasmin también
Ed Eckley
Ed Eckley
I am a 100% disabled Vietnam era Veteran. Dr. Irvine and his wondrous staff have always been extra caring, competent, and supportive with my medical, prescription, and psychiatric needs. I feel like I am appreciated for my service.
Geoff Gyger
Geoff Gyger
Doesn't have a clinic feel. Everyone here is so helpful friendly and knowledgeable. How people make you feel while you are being treated is so important.
gina marston
gina marston
Always able to see me, listen to my concerns, and get me taken care of. Thank you!!!
Amy Castano
Amy Castano
Doc Seth herd always has time to answer any of my questions or concerns . His staff are wonderful
Sharon Farris
Sharon Farris
Seth Hurd is very knowledgable and very nice and easy to talk to. Thank you Family Healthcare Hurricane office
James Boswell
James Boswell
Apparently very good at losing multiple test results. One Paticular doctor is absolutely petty and will hold a grudge, going so far as to drag feet with his job. The techs /nurses seem like they might be in on it.5/5 collecting cash and not providing a service is a meta move
Troy Kanakis
Troy Kanakis
I to had an appointment,took off work to go to my appointment as a New patient and got called 2 hrs before my appointment to be told they had to cancel for some reason or another, I was so disappointed I didn't even listen to the reason. Sounds like this place is notorious for this, I recommend going somewhere else. I went in again today and got told they don't do the shots I need. This place is the biggest joke I've ever seen
Stephanie Burroughs
Stephanie Burroughs
Yes. This is a clinic. However, the professionalism and concern for patients more than makes up for that fact. Melissa in particular helped a family member get prescriptions refilled in Utah. Fairly quickly. I was frustrated but she never lost her cool and did what she said she was going to do. Thank you for all your help.
Jo Meredith
Jo Meredith
Love everyone. Average wait time as any Dr. Appointment availability is good. The only thing I don't like is, this location doesn't have it's own phone number!It's not really fun to call St. George office listen to all the messages to ask to be transferred to Hurricane office. Then that process is long then ringing and HOPEFULLY they answer. Cause after 2 tries you can tell St.G staff, are annoyed. FHC-GET HURRICANE THERE OWN NUMBER Please? 🌝
Stacy Barnard
Stacy Barnard
The staff is friendly and curtious
Martha Quezada
Martha Quezada
Besides there great customer service, Dr Seth is a great,Dr He is attentive and caring he takes time and listens, He is an amazing Dr,he has always looked deeper to make sure he is giving the correct diagnose,his staff is also great and always calling to make sure you make it in to the followups and also if you follow up with referrals there are the best...thank you
L Cole
L Cole
Great, attentive people and competent, caring caregivers. Just be sure to note that the facility is inside the entrance to the school parking lot.
Kristi's Place Hair Lash & Nail Studio
Kristi's Place Hair Lash & Nail Studio
Love having the clinic right on the middle school campus it’s easy access if your child is sick and you don’t have to take them far from checking them out of school we’re having them get their check ups to get back into class sooner than later especially when you’re a working parent
Samantha De Larra
Samantha De Larra
The staff is great and the doctor is awesome
Kaylee Maris
Kaylee Maris
The staff is extremely helpful and kind. Definitely a positive experience.
Charlotte Kumma
Charlotte Kumma
Dr. Dorian Webb is an amazing, intelligent and proactive doctor that spends sufficient time with his patients. His assistant, Burgen, is a kind and smart woman that is absolutely attentive. I LOVE THIS OFFICE and would recommend them to everyone!!!
brooke smith
brooke smith
Karen Whittemore is incredibly caring. I always feel important to her and her staff. I highly recommend!

© Copyright 2024 | Family Health Care | All Rights Reserved | Family Healthcare is an FTCA Deemed facility and a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).

Valerie Kahanu
Valerie Kahanu
Dental service was amazing thank you so much.
Shane Sedigh
Shane Sedigh
All good
Cynthia Mott
Cynthia Mott
Seth Hurd is an awesome dr. And Dr Irvine is a great dr as well. Friendly staff.
Pili Gouveia
Pili Gouveia
Really nice people and really help take care of mine and my children's needs.
Jenifer Dennison
Jenifer Dennison
Always accommodating to my needs. Problem solvers for sure. Love this place. Pharmacy has exceptional customer service as well!!!
Kristine Nez
Kristine Nez
Found the help we needed to get my husband’s teeth fix. Everyone in this establishment is kind, friendly and attentive. The receptionists (Denise Stiegmann was that person for me today) are amazing at helping you understand everything as well and putting you at ease when you want to panic. Thank you for helping to give his smile back.
Gordon Potter
Gordon Potter
Dr. Trevor Page & Stephen Murdock form a fabulous team for mental and physical wellness! They have an excellent Family Practice at FHC-Riverside. The staff is always attuned to what is going on, they are on time. They communicate very well with Dr. Page & Murdock. I feel lucky to have them and now look forward to getting sorted out. Thanks Team!
Bernice Perez
Bernice Perez
Highly recommended to see the dentist. It’s based on your income if you don’t have dental coverage. The dentist is very friendly and kind. The young man at the reception desk is very friendly, nice , polite, and very professional gentleman.
Neal Tyson
Neal Tyson
Dr Irvine listened and addressed all of my concerns. Never made me feel rushed and truly made me feel as if he was invested in my personal health. Great experience and would recommend to all my friends.
Devra swiger
Devra swiger
Had a battle with a bagel knife and the knife won. I had to get stiches during our stay at Zion and I was so pleased with the service I got at Family healthcare. Everyone was so nice and the doctor did a great job.
lisa hanrahan
lisa hanrahan
Denise Stiegmaan absolutely went above and beyond to get what I needed done with my insurance. Denise was prompt on asking questions of how she could assist! It felt so good to have a person like Denise with such amazing customers service! Most definitely a keeper!
Julia Johnson
Julia Johnson
Blessed be the Family Health Care clinic! I don't know what I would have done without you all.Everyone was so kind and helpful and thoroughly professional. You got me back on my feet and on with the rest of my trip. I am forever grateful to you all and I highly recommend your services. Thank you!Julia Johnson
Lori Meredith
Lori Meredith
Friendly, experienced staff. Great service.
Claudia De La Cruz
Claudia De La Cruz
Personal profesional con una gran calidad humana. Gracias por tu apoyo Jackie, fuiste de gran bendición.
Angelina Benson
Angelina Benson
When it comes to the family healthcare pharmacy I cannot stress enough and tell enough people go there if you’re looking for medication at A dang good price, especially for people to pay cash. You’re one stop shop. If you’re looking for a pharmacist to be empathetic understanding you know anything. Their Pharmacist there is the most amazing guy people talk about doctors and pharmacist going above and beyond for you. That’s no other words could explain it better further. I can count they have taken a step further beyond duties as a pharmacist pharmacy. You know what they get paid they take a step further there’s been a medication to the pharmacy, especially before they closed. They found a way to make sure my daughter didn’t go and I’ve had complications every time that I’m not waiting another day I could never express how grateful I am for their head pharmacist there with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Dylan Wilson some amazing work in their hands and my daughters. Thank you guys so much for everything you do.
Tenya Perla
Tenya Perla
Jackie N. helped me so much and was so nice and professional too! Keep her forever! She's great!
Jay Ricker
Jay Ricker
Friendly staff, clean facility, they take care of my family superbly! Shred St. George
Dr Irvine's the best and Steve he's my favorite so far he's really cool but anyway I sure like Trevor if I could choose to nominate one for all their hard work I'd give it to Trevor and harpy cuz Trevor I'd give it to Trevor and a heartbeat because Trevor is truly the best doctor ever I don't know any other of the doctors there but I really like Trevor he's the best and he's also my friend
Travis Daignault
Travis Daignault
These medical providers are great and they care because they are busy. If you make an appointment its okay to wait. You never know if another person is struggling more than you.
Justin Ruesch
Justin Ruesch
I have been coming to Family healthcare for a few years now. They are amazing. I have my usual provider that I see, but every once in awhile he is not available and so I have seen a few other providers. They have all been great. I've also used their mental health services. It helped me through some difficult things I was struggling with. The new location has a pharmacy inside. I actually moved all my prescriptions here as well.Pro Tip: Haley (I hope I spelled that right) is phenomenal! She is my go-to. I will happily wait in line until she's available. She is always happy, Friendly, smiling and knowledgeable.I asked her if I could give her a gold star somehow.She laughed and told me that that wasn't an option .I think Family healthcare should definitely add gold stars that could be given to their employees by patients. At the very least a better system to praise employees.Seriously though this girl deserves a raise.
Mark Lacross
Mark Lacross
Just going to family Healthcare and talking to Dr Webb and Kay and America are sweetest nicest professionals in Utah every time I go there I feels so much better mentally and physically. Never had such Healthcare like this .thanks
Angie Wagner
Angie Wagner
They. Got me in at 7 am and took excellent care of me. Dr neilsen went above and beyond to help me find an oral surgeon to help get my tooth pulled. I have never had a better experience with a dentist in my life.
Aubrey Byington
Aubrey Byington
I absolutely adore Mary-Ellen and her team. She is the best Care provider I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my entire life. She takes the time to listen and really get to know her patients and her team is awesome too!! I have been seeing her for years and wouldn't ever go anywhere else.Mckenzie the councilor is awesome as well she has great insight and knows her stuff when it comes to recognizing the areas you're struggling with, without being judgey or pushy. I recently moved my 2 children to this practice because of Maryellen & Mckenzie's unwavering dedication to care.
Sherri Johnson
Sherri Johnson
I love family health care and all their staff
I scheduled an appt for my daughter online very easily which was very nice. We arrived on time for our 3pm appt to see Karen Kadas and were out by 3:20pm. We got our consultation, lab draw, and order. It was beautiful!!! From check-in to check-out, it was just beautiful! I highly recommend this clinic.
Matt Woodruff
Matt Woodruff
Alli Stewart has been five stars for the the five years she's been taking care of me!!
Heather May
Heather May
Love Melissa and Jacquie who are so kind yet professional as well as Dr Gubler in Cedar City clinic.
M Wyson
M Wyson
This place is the best medical center in the world! Dr Fisher is the best doctor in the world! I refuse to buy health insurance and this place let's me pay cash for a Dr visit. I paid $145 yesterday. I visit a Dr about once every 5 years on average. That is so much cheaper than health insurance! Also I called yesterday at 3pm to make an appointment, the receptionist said there was a cancellation and I could be seen at 5pm. Try that with your practitioner.
claire hulet
claire hulet
What a wonderful place to see a medical provider. I had such a great experience from start to finish. From getting checked in with the helpful front desks Kennedy and Denise to getting roomed and having my vitals checked by Ingrid and Evelyn. Hayley answered my questions and Karen did a great job :D yippee!
Allen Wooldridge
Allen Wooldridge
Karen's the best
The staff in this clinic are all amazing! Seth has always gone out of his way to help me!
Alinda Berry
Alinda Berry
Dr. Irvine and Jazmine were amazing today! U couldn’t have asked for better care Thanks guys!
Veronica Castro
Veronica Castro
Tuve una muy buena experiencia con el Dr Wilson, el oftalmólogo. Fue muy amable y contestó todas mis preguntas. Las chicas de recepción son muy lindas y amables. Gracias a Neyda, Becky, y Berenice por el buen servicio.
Brendan Olivas
Brendan Olivas
This clinic has been great to me. The nurses there were very helpful. Ingrid did an amazing job drawing my blood.
melissa larios
melissa larios
Carmen was great! She was very compassionate and caring.
Brittany Hunting
Brittany Hunting
Maryellen and ciara have been wonderful support. Very helpful and knowledgeable
Tiana Marie
Tiana Marie
The new building is amazing. I had to take my daughter in to get her vaccines. So you can imagine how upset she was about it but Ciara Medina was an absolute gem. She was patient and so sweet to her that she actually got her to calm down and let her do it without any struggle. She obviously still cried but Ciara made sure to make my daughter feel very brave and strong throughout the whole process. I will be taking my daughter back here because of a big thank you to Ciara Medina for turning a scared little girl into a brave big girl. You are a rockstar!
Samantha Owings
Samantha Owings
Maryellen and Ciara have made my mental health journey much easier than anywhere else I’ve been, they have always been on top of everything, been friendly and genuinely care about my mental health. Thanks guys!!
alex santos
alex santos
Muy buen servicio.Todo el personal muy amableTravis muy buen doctor
mark spencer
mark spencer
Maryellen and her wonderful assistant Ciara always greet me with a smile and kindness everytime I have an appointment they make every visit comfortable.
Jon Lippincott
Jon Lippincott
I have been using Family Health Care Cedar City as my primary care provider for about 9 years and have had mostly positive interactions with them.Karen Whittemore has been thorough and knowledgeable in her addressing my medical issues.All of the staff are friendly and helpful from the time I check in until I finish my exam.I recommend FHC to all people who have asked me.Keep up the good work.
lindsey payne
lindsey payne
I love love love the ppl here they are very caring and compassionate and really strive to help everyone, everyone on team !! Especially Evelyn and Ingrid they are super personable and always go out of their way to make sure your experience is the best.
Dana Hutchings
Dana Hutchings
Karen Whittemore is wonderful. She really understood my condition and helped with treatment also her nurse Ingrid is very caring
Maria Hernandez
Maria Hernandez
Very attentive and patient centered. This clinic has literally saved my life! Ingrid is an amazing phlebotomist! She made me feel comforted
Daniel Hernandez
Daniel Hernandez
Muy buen servicio siempre que vengo a consulta. Ingrid es muy amable y eficiente.
Abraham Ocejo
Abraham Ocejo
Becky berenice and neyda do great work up in the front when u need help and got questions they’re the people you need to talk to and can answer all your questions and concerns
Christina Valdovinos-Lopez
Christina Valdovinos-Lopez
I accompanied my little sister and father for their appointment for a flu shot and had a wonderful experience with the cMA Vanessa she was really patient with my little sister since she was a bit nervous and took her shot so fast and gentle that my little sister was like wow already and with my father same thing fast and gentle no struggle or anything .
Adriana Hernandez
Adriana Hernandez
Highly recommend good staff and very friendly
Hector Valdivia
Hector Valdivia
I had a great experience with Dr. Christensen and his MA’s Brenda and Monica. Always super friendly and willing to answer any questions I have.
Flor de maria
Flor de maria
Excelente servicio mil bendiciones a todos los que laboran allí
Nicole Chambers
Nicole Chambers
I love everyone there. They are very compassionate and understanding. They have been very helpful in my health issues. They really care. I wouldn't want to go anywhere else
Maria Daisy Romero (Daisy Nany Vlogs)
Maria Daisy Romero (Daisy Nany Vlogs)
Dr Brandan is very profecional and very kind , thank you everyone at the clinic
Donna Reynolds
Donna Reynolds
The environment is clean and comfortable. The staff is always so friendly. Dr Herd is professional and caring. He knows who I am and can see how things come together well for my health.
Karina Piri
Karina Piri
Muy buena atención ❤️ , muy amables todos los doctores, dentistas, asistentes y recepcionistas de esta clínicaSúper recomendada !! ❤️
Renee Qualls Pike
Renee Qualls Pike
Friendly staff. Willing to spend the time needed to address your issues. Willing to listen to you and not rush you in and out.
Rayonna Hale
Rayonna Hale
Love Dr. Karen Whittemore, been her patient 7 yrs. Very easy to talk with, answers questions, she KNOWS her patients!! Recommend highly!
jose jesus Gonzalez
jose jesus Gonzalez
Muy bien servicio y as asistentes son eficientes. Gracias a Carmen por darnos la atención y por ser muy amable.
I had such a great experience with Family Healthcare. They were so helpful and I really appreciate them answering all my questions.
Son muy amables y atentos , y su asesibilidad para la gente que no habla inglés es genial . Gracias Carmen Perez
Gonzalez Hernandez Dayana Michelle
Gonzalez Hernandez Dayana Michelle
Had an amazing experience at the clinic, nurse Ingrid Hernadez, was super friendly and professional will definitely be going back to family healthcare!
Kathleen Rouse
Kathleen Rouse
Ingrid, is are you patient kind and well mannered. She's really specific of any questions I need to answer and she asked questions very specifically when I'm confused or when I don't understand. She is friendly hard-working patient has manners and always smiling!! She checks my vitals correctly. Thank you so very much!
siri martinez
siri martinez
Family healthcare. It’s a great clinic. They’re always nice and friendly dr. Travis and his assistant Jasmine are the best every time they make you feel part of their family. They’re always concerned about you and your family Health I can type so many nice things about them here the way they took care of my dad that he recently passed away. There is no words that I can describe. how thankful I will be with them. Thank you
Denise Stiegmann
Denise Stiegmann
I was feeling very ill. The InstaCare was already closed and I needed to know if I had streptococcus or if it was just a cold/flu. Ingrid got me in so fast and let me know right away the test results. The front desk Kennedy and Paula are always so friendly. And Karen Whittemore is so knowledgeable. My provider team is great.
Christopher Perry Jorgenson
Christopher Perry Jorgenson
My doctor at family health care is Karen witmore she is the best doctor I have ever had in my life I've been seeing her for over 5years and if I had a choice I would never get a nother doctor she actually cares about the people who is under her care and will do anything she possibly can do to improve her patience quality of life I honestly don't know what I would have done if I didn't have her as my doctor I'm very disabled and Karen witmore has been there for me through a lot of hard times in my life and always h as my best interests in mind even if it's not something I won't to hear she tells you exactly how it's and I trust her opinion she has an excellent bed side manner i have red some of other peoples reviews and I can truthfully tell you that if any person says that Karen witmore don't care about her Patience needs the staff at the ceda that just isn't true she's the mast careing doctor I've ever had if anything she cares to much and only has your best interest at hart I no frome over 5 years of experience with her. The rest of the staff at the cedar City office is amazing there always respect full and go over the top for you I would recommend this clink to eny one that is trying to find a new clinic to got to the hole clinic is just wonderful and has made my life better in more ways than one
Kennedy Worthington
Kennedy Worthington
I have always had a great time coming to Family Healthcare! The front desk and medical assistants are always so cheerful and kind! The providers got me in quickly and helped me solve my problem. Family Healthcare has cheap and affordable options for those who need it and for those who don't have insurance which was very helpful.
Thomas Rich
Thomas Rich
Family Healthcare have done a great job taking care of our family. Bradon Burningham seriously saved us. Our son cut his finger and needed stitches. He got us right in and was so professional.
Isabela Pedro
Isabela Pedro
Buen doctor
Marcelo Pos
Marcelo Pos
Muy buena atencion el Doctor muy amable
Chilita Robles
Chilita Robles
Muy amables el doctor se preocupa por la salud de sus pacientes y las señoritas son muy amables y atentas
irene cajas
irene cajas
Jasmin is awesome and so professional
Sue Bruss
Sue Bruss
Love Travis Allen and the staff
Wendy Moya
Wendy Moya
Love this clinic and how the medical assistants and Travis take care of their patients! Every time I see Travis he listens to my concerns and does the best to help me feel better. I recommend this clinic and Travis to everyone all the time, especially the Latino community, it helps to have a Spanish speaking provider that fully understand the patients needs.
Jimmy Lane
Jimmy Lane
The staff are wonderful
Elizabeth Samano
Elizabeth Samano
Travis es excelente médico. Se toma el tiempo para escucharnos y dar su diagnóstico. Tanto sus enfermeras y el demás personal son amables yo si recomiendo a Allen Travis.
Poli Riquelme
Poli Riquelme
Recently had a dental cleaning and everything was great. Jacquie and Melissa were also very great. They even made sure that my daughter accompanying me was entertained
Daniela Gonzalez
Daniela Gonzalez
Very good place!
Sonia Riquelme
Sonia Riquelme
It’s a great place great staff I highly recommend it
Marbella Olivar
Marbella Olivar
Muy amables , me encantó el servicio ❤️❤️
Judith Villegas
Judith Villegas
Desde la recepción y las enfermeras y doctor son muy eficientes amables yo como paciente estoy muy contenta con el trato que recibo en esa clínica Carmen Ingrid Cruz doctor Travis. bendita clínica que tenemos para nosotros como pacientes latinos que nesecitamos ayuda bilingüe muchas gracias y yo la recomiendo
lily cruz
lily cruz
Dr. Travis is a great he has help me with my health very professional 👏 and the nurses are super wonderful really professional. I really recommend DR.TRAVIS AND HES TEAM‼️
Marianella Leone
Marianella Leone
A great resource for anybody in town that doesn’t have insurance. Ingrid has been incredibly helpful and truly cares about her patients. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help anybody who needs it!◡̈
daniel reyna
daniel reyna
I went in recently as a new patient, was a tad bit unprepared. But luckily Ingrid helped me get the documents I needed; she was very quick and understanding. Great attitude about the whole situation.
Angel Turner
Angel Turner
I had a pleasant experience and Ingrid was very helpful in every way possible.
Pat Scott
Pat Scott
Good people, they do great job.i come to them all.
Salvador Rodriguez
Salvador Rodriguez
Family Healthcare is a great clinic. I have had the pleasure of being one of their patients and have always felt heard of with my concerns. Travis Allen the PA there is great and Jasmin Santiago his MA definitely loves her job and it shows with the care she provides. I would recommend all of my friends and family to Family Healthcare.
Dulce Castro
Dulce Castro
Jasmine was very helpful
Ethan Keyte
Ethan Keyte
I've been going here for over a year now for therapy and prescriptions. Dr. Allen has been fantastic at picking the right prescription for me. Melissa was great at asking questions and taking in information while having it feel like a very casual, friendly conversation. 10/10
Genna Grajek
Genna Grajek
My husband and I came in and got our rapid Covid tests here! The staff was amazing and so helpful! Jasmine helped us with everything and she went above and beyond! She was so sweet and kind! I definitely recommend 10/10!
Josue Riquelme
Josue Riquelme
Great experience overall at the Harding clinic. Great staff very quick and efficient.
Jasmin Santiago
Jasmin Santiago
Family Healthcare is amazing. A lot of my family is seen here and they always have great experiences. Highly recommended
Margarita Avila
Margarita Avila
Travis es un buen médico y sus asistentes Melissa y Jasmin también
Ed Eckley
Ed Eckley
I am a 100% disabled Vietnam era Veteran. Dr. Irvine and his wondrous staff have always been extra caring, competent, and supportive with my medical, prescription, and psychiatric needs. I feel like I am appreciated for my service.
Geoff Gyger
Geoff Gyger
Doesn't have a clinic feel. Everyone here is so helpful friendly and knowledgeable. How people make you feel while you are being treated is so important.
gina marston
gina marston
Always able to see me, listen to my concerns, and get me taken care of. Thank you!!!
Amy Castano
Amy Castano
Doc Seth herd always has time to answer any of my questions or concerns . His staff are wonderful
Sharon Farris
Sharon Farris
Seth Hurd is very knowledgable and very nice and easy to talk to. Thank you Family Healthcare Hurricane office
James Boswell
James Boswell
Apparently very good at losing multiple test results. One Paticular doctor is absolutely petty and will hold a grudge, going so far as to drag feet with his job. The techs /nurses seem like they might be in on it.5/5 collecting cash and not providing a service is a meta move
Troy Kanakis
Troy Kanakis
I to had an appointment,took off work to go to my appointment as a New patient and got called 2 hrs before my appointment to be told they had to cancel for some reason or another, I was so disappointed I didn't even listen to the reason. Sounds like this place is notorious for this, I recommend going somewhere else. I went in again today and got told they don't do the shots I need. This place is the biggest joke I've ever seen
Stephanie Burroughs
Stephanie Burroughs
Yes. This is a clinic. However, the professionalism and concern for patients more than makes up for that fact. Melissa in particular helped a family member get prescriptions refilled in Utah. Fairly quickly. I was frustrated but she never lost her cool and did what she said she was going to do. Thank you for all your help.
Jo Meredith
Jo Meredith
Love everyone. Average wait time as any Dr. Appointment availability is good. The only thing I don't like is, this location doesn't have it's own phone number!It's not really fun to call St. George office listen to all the messages to ask to be transferred to Hurricane office. Then that process is long then ringing and HOPEFULLY they answer. Cause after 2 tries you can tell St.G staff, are annoyed. FHC-GET HURRICANE THERE OWN NUMBER Please? 🌝
Stacy Barnard
Stacy Barnard
The staff is friendly and curtious
Martha Quezada
Martha Quezada
Besides there great customer service, Dr Seth is a great,Dr He is attentive and caring he takes time and listens, He is an amazing Dr,he has always looked deeper to make sure he is giving the correct diagnose,his staff is also great and always calling to make sure you make it in to the followups and also if you follow up with referrals there are the best...thank you
L Cole
L Cole
Great, attentive people and competent, caring caregivers. Just be sure to note that the facility is inside the entrance to the school parking lot.
Kristi's Place Hair Lash & Nail Studio
Kristi's Place Hair Lash & Nail Studio
Love having the clinic right on the middle school campus it’s easy access if your child is sick and you don’t have to take them far from checking them out of school we’re having them get their check ups to get back into class sooner than later especially when you’re a working parent
Samantha De Larra
Samantha De Larra
The staff is great and the doctor is awesome
Kaylee Maris
Kaylee Maris
The staff is extremely helpful and kind. Definitely a positive experience.
Charlotte Kumma
Charlotte Kumma
Dr. Dorian Webb is an amazing, intelligent and proactive doctor that spends sufficient time with his patients. His assistant, Burgen, is a kind and smart woman that is absolutely attentive. I LOVE THIS OFFICE and would recommend them to everyone!!!
brooke smith
brooke smith
Karen Whittemore is incredibly caring. I always feel important to her and her staff. I highly recommend!
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